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Island Owner Wants Full Service From Village
Posted Tuesday, November 25, 2008 at 10:42:57 PM     Alexandria Bay, NY 1000 Islands

 Unique Views 2403/Total Views 2449

This bit of of audio is taken from the Nov 25th 2008 Alexandria Bay Village Board Meeting..

Basically Richard B. Sherker Jr. wants waterfront services for all islands including his own.
He wants the same police, emt, and fire protection that everyone else gets.. etc etc etc

Listen to the audio by playing the video below..


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Also,, if by chance I got the last name (Sherker) wrong, please just leave a comment with the correct spelling and I will make the correction.

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Comments by ''Tom O'Brien'' from United States on Thursday, November 27, 2008 at 10:53:41 AM - IP Logged
NNY is one of the most beautiful areas in the continental United States. The vast majority of the people who reside there are generous, hard working, talented and tough to live in such an extreme environment. Yes, there are some knuckleheads....they are in every other state too. It was a dream to own a camp on one of the lakes and it was such a happy time for my family to get the chance to summer there. We were always treated very well, however, we knew our place....we did not have to face the hardship of earning a living and getting through the winter when all the summer folk had gone home. One cannot expect the same amenities that the locals have a right to receive; you are only there for part of the summer. Cut the crap, stop whining and pay your taxes and enjoy a little bit of God's country....in the alternative, move there year round and see what a struggle it can be, after 3 or 4 years let us in on your viewpoint. My mother was born and raised in Watertown and she loved coming back but knew that life in NNJ was quite a bit different....she did not expect to be treated as a local, she wasn't one. If you do not like or cannot accept being a summer resident, sell and go elsewhere, this is not Hilton Head.
You cannot expect fire protection, emt, etc. living on one of the islands....you knew that when you bought the place. If you were not aware of the same then you really have a poor grasp of reality....goodbye and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out....if you come back and I am there the first Genny is on me.

Comments by ''Former resident'' from United States on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 at 9:52:42 PM - IP Logged
That was one very well thought out and written letter. The board is an indicator of what the real problems are in that town. A complete lack of leadership.Village officials need to include and embrace all residents.The us vs. them metality has no place in the year 2008. So much good is possible in this area but so little is being done. Do you old timers (real locals) really not understand that you are plunging your kids and grandkids home into a poverty state? Look around you at the decline of the Bay. No longer a glamour spot to be proud of as YOUR parents were. They grew it and the small minded running the town for the past few decades have torn it all back down. How can it be rebuilt? Send the board members packing. Get traveled and experience and big picture minds into positions that count. You reassessed and hosed the islanders. NOW give them services. To not provide services is criminal in my opinion. I visit annually but had to leave the small minds and spend my money where it could grow. I understand 2nd home markets and the successful ones appreciate the taxes of those who really require very little in the way of services and make them feel at home and safe. It is a good feeling that perpetuates itself and allows for growth that then allows for someone else helping with the tax burden for those who need and get a lot of services. Hello, common sense. I love the Bay but I, like so many others, have said adios to the clowns who think destroying it is their birthright. We all know of thieves and malcontents among us but in the real world they are dealt with, not bought a drink and joked with. This letter by Mr. Sherker needs to be run in several papers around the state including Albany. Wake up Alex Bay. You have been put on notice, given good advice and laughed about it. Prove me wrong, do something smart for once!!! See the world beyond your borders and you may just see opportunity. or as I was taught growing up... "Do the right thing." it's that simple

Comments by ''islandlife'' from United States on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 at 4:11:09 PM - IP Logged
Makes anyone feel great that is in the island community that pays the heavy tax bills doesn't it? Great group we have in power. Wouldn't it be fun to listen to them if some one figured out a way for those in the village island situation succeed from the village rolls?

Comments by ''jw'' from United States on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 at 2:38:27 PM - IP Logged
Mr. Sherker has an outstanding arguement. Do these board members not know their audio is being recorded?

Comments by ''Thirsty'' from United States on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 at 12:27:43 PM - IP Logged
what are these board members laughing at? Is one taxpayer more entitled than another? They should be ashamed ! I wonder if they would have the nerve to laugh in Mr Serkers face had he attented the meeting .

Comments by ''Patf1i1t'' from United States on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 at 12:14:34 PM - IP Logged
I agree with "islandlife". Any town meeting I've ever attended sounded about the same. Very unprofessional and one sided. That's why the Bay is dragging behind other river and lake communities. Time to do what the voters did on Nov 4th. Throw the bums out. Time for change.

Comments by ''Huntman'' from United States on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 at 10:55:31 AM - IP Logged
From listening to the audio it sounds like the Village Board especially this Drake Guy and the Mayor just laughed the whole thing off.

Comments by ''islandlife'' from United States on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 at 10:50:22 AM - IP Logged
I feel for Dick. I couldnt agree with him more! Lot of tax dollars paid and very little service provided. I hear the questions regarding seasonal use, shouldnt there be a seasonal rate in accordance to seasonal use then? If not then the same services should apply to all taxpayers. You pay the full rate you should expect equal services or make changes.

Comments by ''pguston'' from United States on Tuesday, November 25, 2008 at 11:16:58 PM - IP Logged
Richard Drake foolishly and arrogantly volunteers to respond to this letter....

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For centuries the 1000 Islands has been recognized as one of the world's great vacation destinations and the Village of Alexandria Bay has played a major role in the area's history. Alexandria Bay, NY is in the very Heart of the 1000 Islands and there are many exciting things to see and do. Shops, Fine Dining, Boat Tours, Whether you're a little kid or a big kid, Alexandria Bay, NY is full of fun things to experience. ©1997-2025 Abaynews.com. All rights reserved