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Jaco Sandinista LIVE AUDIO/VIDEO STREAM From Skiffs Tonight !!
Posted Saturday, May 07, 2011 at 9:41:18 PM     Alexandria Bay, NY 1000 Islands

 Unique Views 2081/Total Views 2106


However, since abaynews.com is like the coolest local web site ever.. we recorded the 1st few hours for those of you that missed it.. Jaco sings "Summer Lover" by "Frostbit Blue" at 2:25:50 in case anyone wants to go right to that.. but really his whole performance is excellent so if ya have time crank up your stereo and listen to it all..

This is BTW the exact same audio and video quality you would have experienced watching this live on the live cam site..

We are doing a live audio/video stream tonight from Skiffs via a WINDOWS MEDIA STREAM..

Click the link below to go to the cams site and view the audio/video stream..

Jaco is very very good so if your in the Bay get your ass down to skiffs and watch him in person.

BTW: Jaco was the original singer fro Frostbit Blue and sang the song "Summer Lover"..

More info on the streaming technology for those having trouble..

This is same sort of streaming technology used with cams such as the Hogs Breath Cams in Key West. If you can't view/hear the Hogs Breath Cams then the live audio/video stream from Skiffs will not work either. To view AUDIO/VIDEO STREAMS like this you need your web browser set up properly and you have to install the windows media plug in when prompted. You also need to have a (version 10 or above) of windows media player installed on your computer. Most people do. Basically our live audio/video going to work for most people after a few clicks, but if it doesn't you'll probably need to have someone that is good with computers help you to get your web browser set to view a windows media stream properly.

That being said the following may help you. I recently ran across across someone that couldn't get THE LIVE AUDIO/VIDEO STREAM working and I went over to their house to troubleshoot. I eventually got it working and here is what I did.

While at the web cam page there was a prompt on their Internet Explorer screen to install the windows media active x control and that person was not seeing it. It's up near the top in a window across the screen
. It sorta looks like the screen shot below. You have to click on it and run/install the active x control. SO DO THAT

After you do that wait a little bit and a popup should show up asking you if you want to install it. DO SO. After that you may or may not get a prompt from windows firewall asking if it is ok to allow the active x control to do it's thing. ALLOW IT

After that the windows media player stream was showing up, trying to connect, but still not playing.. I checked their Internet Explorer browser settings and made the following change. In internet explorer they had her security setting set to medium high.. I changed it to medium.. and then the audio/video stream on the web page started working... Specifically I went to Internet Options/Security in Internet Explorer.

The good news is you only have to do all of that once. The next time you go to the page it will just work.

So I'm sorry, but other than that bit of information I can't offer much more help. It's going to be different for everyone. So again, if you know a computer savy person have them come over and help you. They will probably get it working in no time.

I would also like to say that you can view the AUDIO/VIDEO STREAM using the Google Chrome and Firefox web browsers as well. You however have to install support for Windows Media for them and that is something you should google. I am not getting into all of that.

I also know it can work on Macs, but I don't know the details as I am not a Mac Guy..


Johnny Truesdell Photography


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