Let’s all get together and become involved in a fun show. This is a “user boat show” as well as “museum quality boat show”. Boat entries are open to members of the Antique and Classic Boat Society (ACBS), as well as non members. For those non-members, we encourage you to join our Thousand Island Chapter so you too, can enjoy and participate in the other activities throughout the summer. So let’s get those oldies but goodies off the docks, out of the boat houses and down, up or across the river, to the Alex Bay Village dock.
Friday, July 19
Kick-off Party Open to members and non-members will begin at 6:30pm at the Boldt Castle Yacht House on Wellesley Island.
$15.00 per-person Payable in advance by July 15
$20.00 pp at the Yacht House door .
Checks Payable to: TI Chapter ACBS and mail to: PO Box 800, Alex Bay, NY 13607
*********************************** Saturday, July 20
1000 Island Chapter ACBS Vintage "User" Boat Show.
Upper James Street Village Dock, Alexandria Bay, NY
Public Entry Fee $3.00 per person.
Children 12 and under-Free.
GI's with Active Duty ID-Free.
Exhibitors and Vendors Check-in for Show between 6:30-8:30am
Open to Public 9:00-4:00pm
*********************************** Sunday, July 21
Awards Brunch
Edgewood Resort doors open at 9:30am to check in for the 10:00 brunch and awards ceremony.
($15.00 pp) Payable in Advance
You may pay with the Boater Registration Form
at the Check-In Table at the Village dock.
(Edgewood Resort needs to know how many to expect the next day.)
If you decide to wait to pay at the Edgewood Door, expect to pay $20.00 pp