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The Canadian Penis Guy Incident! (VIDEO)
Posted Sunday, July 22, 2007 at 12:52:48 PM
Alexandria Bay, NY
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Well, last night was the 1st time the camera got attacked and I have it on film. The guy the left is the one who smashed the camera. The guy on the right is of course dressed as a giant penis.
WARNING: There is offensive language in this news item and in the video.
Here's the story..
These 4-5 Canadian guys were partying around town and making big comedy scene over the fact that their buddy was dressed up as a giant penis. He also had an apron on with a dildo underneath it that he kept showing everyone and he was wearing these really gay looking spandex shorts.
Needless to say these guys made a scene the whole night. In the bar people were taking pictures with them and they seemed to love the attention.
Later on in the night they were leaving and everyone was like "get the camera and interview them". I was tired from working all day and didn't really want anything to do with it, but eventually I caved in and went up to get a little interview. As you can see from the video that didn't go very well and the camera got smashed up pretty good. Right after he hit the camera I damn near smashed the guy in the face. As I went towards him he actually hid behind his drunk buddy the Penis Man as he yelled "F@&k You" over and over. Somehow I calmed down quickly and didn't hit the guy. Being sober might have had something to do with it, but it is more likely the fact that he was acting like a little girl and I don't hit girls.
I then realized the camera wasn't working. The screen actually got the worst of the assault and was bent back a lot farther than it is supposed to go. The cops came and after a bit of discussion I accepted money to fix the camera instead of having the guy who hit it arrested. Mainly because all the other guys were being cool. I told them all to get the hell out of town before I changed my mind.
So, the camera isn't working at the moment. I borrowed a friends camera to get this video off the DV tape.
The last thing I have to say is this.
If these guys didn't want attention then they shouldn't have gotten completely shitfaced, dressed their buddy up as a walking penis, and made a huge scene all night. Oh well, just another night in A-Bay.