Chief Police or not ? (Discussion)
Posted Monday, February 04, 2008 at 1:35:36 PM
Alexandria Bay, NY
1000 Islands
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Chief Police or not ? (Discussion)
Read all about it in the abay forums.. http://www.abaynews.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=265
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..a quote from Thomas Jefferson... "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."
Here is one post and one point of view from the discussion by a user called "taxpayer"
This village needs a police department. We have enjoyed the safety of having our own police force for a very long time. It doesn't matter how minor your complaint which could be as minor as a prank vandalism, or as serious as burglary. Citizens have to think about how long they are willing to wait for assistance, minutes for the Village Police Department or possibly hours for other police agencies to respond. And when they do, are you going to get the personal attention from someone who knows you and your family situation or the business as usual from other agencies that don't have small town ties. I remember when Chief Sacco came on the job this village was in dissarray. Now that he has it operating properly, the village board wants to dismantle it. I have to believe that mayor robb is on a power trip searching for the power he never had or earned.
With every suggestion made by this mayor and this board the village loses. The first order of his business when the mayor became a trustee was to give the docks away free. He claimed that this was to promote business, however all that did was allow boaters from Syracuse and Rochester free parking passes while our own local employees got to pay the price by increasing the meter prices. In reality, all he wanted to do is to run them himself and hire his entire family; the losses the village eats every year because of this decision would almost pay half of the police chief's salary per year. If the village board is really looking for ways to save the taxpayers money they could look elsewhere.
The second decision excecuted by mayor robb, is to fire the village clerk. It is one thing to make a change, but to withhold payment for earned vacation and sick time, WOW!! How would he like it if the department of corrections were to walk him out the door without notice just weeks before Christmas?
Now, this business about the police chief possition. Chief Sacco has worked hard and dedicated many years to this village. He has an impeckable reputation for helping anyone who needs it. Whether it be taking an elderly person to the hospital, settling domestic disputes, giving money to the community, he is there. I doubt that you will find many citizens that haven't been assisted in some way by the Chief over the years. The village board members themselves had better take a look back and count the ways that the Chief has helped them, (warrants, stalkers, ect). When people have called, he has been there. And has never asked for anything but respect in return.
As for not working nights and weekends, with every job, there is limitations. He can't be there every minute, but when there is a major event, he is there. If there is a major fire, he is there. When there is a major crime, he is there. He drives from his home in Watertown whenever he is called. Other than that, he is there during administrative times. Other agencies (District Attorney, parole, probation, ABC, FBI, Homeland Security, etc.) meet with him during the day, because they don't usually meet in the middle of the night or on Sunday.
Now as for the computer business. This makes me very nervous to think that the Village board (made up of civilians like myself) are possibly viewing confidential information. For example, we all have things that we are not proud of, would you like your confidential information being viewed by Mayor Robb or any of the other trustees? I know that I wouldn't!!
It sounds like to me that the village board is on a witch hunt. First it is the Clerk, now its the Chief, what is next? We need to ask ourselves are these guys for real? It is time to tell our village board to stop trying to fix what is not broken!! Because they are about to send our village back in time about 20 years!!!! This is not the wild west!! They are there to represent us the taxpayers, and I for one don't think they are looking out for our best interests.