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Save The River (Important Information)
Posted Thursday, February 07, 2008 at 3:27:17 PM     Alexandria Bay, NY 1000 Islands

 Unique Views 1345/Total Views 1345

Jennifer J. Caddick who is the Executive Director of Save The River provided this information that many of you may be interested in.

Thanks Jennifer !!

Water Levels
As you may have read in the paper over the past few months, the IJC (the agency that set water levels regulation plans for the River) is poised to announce a new regulation plan. Save The River is doing a final push to remind the IJC of our position (which has been endorsed by most of the River communities and residents). I've included below an action alert that links to an e-petition. 

Winter Weekend Conference
And, this weekend is our annual Winter Weekend Conference. I've attached the overall schedule as well the conference agenda. As part of the conference, we've invited both candidates in the race for Wright's state senate seat to participate. Each candidate will make a few remarks on their positions on River issues and then answer questions on River issues. It's a packed agenda with a lot of great information. We're covering a variety of topics, from winter shipping, to ballast/invasive species stuff, to wind energy. It's not too late to RSVP. We are asking folks to let us know if they are attending just so we can have a good head count for lunch/dinner but it's not a requirement to attend.

Now, in the zip file below I have provided the two adobe acrobat files that Jennifer sent along. You should download them, unzip the file, and view the files using adobe acrobat reader which is a free download from adobe. Many people already have it installed on their computer.


WW invitation and RSVP email version.pdf
Save The River Winter Weekend Conference Agenda email version.pdf

The action alert information and the link to the e-petition she mentioned are below...

Save The River ACTION ALERT!
Scroll to the bottom of this action alert for subscribe/unsubscribe information.

Urgent Action Needed to Protect the River from Destructive Water Levels Management
Sign Save The River’s e-petition by visiting:  http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/IJC-support-planB

Save The River has recently learned that the International Joint Commission (IJC) is poised to select a new management plan for the River and Lake in the next few weeks. We need your help to remind the IJC to do the right thing for the River.

Since the completion of the Moses-Saunders hydropower dam 50 years ago, the ecosystem of the St. Lawrence River has suffered consistent losses to its globally significant biodiversity due to unnatural and damaging water levels regulation. Since the dam was completed, water levels have been artificially constrained causing a loss of biodiversity in coastal wetlands and significant impacts to many fish species and nesting water birds. Scientists estimate that up to 80% of the critical wetland habitat in the region has been destroyed or significantly damaged because of the current water levels management plan.

What You Can Do to Help!

We need your help to take advantage of this window of opportunity to protect the River! It has taken the IJC fifty years to update the current regulation plan and we don’t know when we will have this opportunity again. Please take action to let the IJC know how important this issue is to you!

Sign Save The River’s e-petition by visiting: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/IJC-support-planB  We will be sending this petition to the IJC to let them know that they can’t continue to ignore the needs of the River environment!

Forward this Action Alert!  Let your friends, family, and neighbors know that the River needs their help! Ask them to sign the e-petition – every signature helps!!

Thank you for supporting Save The River!



Johnny Truesdell Photography


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