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Save The River E-News for April 17th, 2008
Posted Sunday, April 20, 2008 at 10:54:33 AM     Alexandria Bay, NY 1000 Islands

 Unique Views 1302/Total Views 1307

St. Lawrence River Named One of the 10 Most Endangered Rivers in the U.S.

Each year, American Rivers releases its Most Endangered Rivers Report which highlights 10 rivers facing uncertain futures. This year the St. Lawrence River was named number four on the list because of the IJC’s failure to consider the River environment when proposing a new water levels management plan.

As regular e-news readers know, the IJC recently proposed a new water levels plan, called Plan 2007, which does nothing to reverse 50 years of damage to the River environment. Plan 2007 represents business as usual and its shocking that in this day and age of advance environmental awareness that the IJC has not moved beyond the thinking of 50 years ago.


The IJC has had the opportunity to select a scientifically-based and publicly endorsed plan - Plan B+ - but instead has turned its back on $20 million taxpayer dollars spent on five years of study and left the future health of the St. Lawrence River ecosystem uncertain.


Make your voice heard!


Visit American River’s website to send a letter to the IJC today! Let the IJC know that the status quo is unacceptable!



Attend a public information meeting or hearing scheduled by the IJC on this issue. To find when meetings are going to be held in your area, visit the IJC website at: http://www.ijc.org/en/activities/losl/public_meetings.php

Learn More

To read more about the designation and read statements from Congressman John McHugh and the NY Department of Environmental Conservation on the designation, visit our website www.savetheriver.org.

To read the full report, visit www.AmericanRivers.org/EndangeredRivers.


Upcoming Events - Mark your calendars!

Join Save The River at our summer events as we celebrate our 30th anniversary!

Rock for the River 5 – July 4&5


River Day – July 26


Become a Save The River Member!

Save The River works each and every day to protect the River that we all love. We rely on generous donations from our members to continue and expand our River protection efforts! An individual membership is only $20, family memberships are $35, and students can join for just $10! To make a donation to Save The River visit https://www.networkforgood.org/donate/MakeDonation2.aspx?ORGID2=161125061&vlrStatCode=EIA67oK2iVNTupNzoP2mw8I5Mq4pMhlG4t1AZOPMPFk8Drg6ZI0j7mpY8f8cLNOm


Johnny Truesdell Photography


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