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The Village Park Looks Great !!
Posted Friday, June 13, 2008 at 6:13:32 PM
Alexandria Bay, NY
1000 Islands Comments
Unique Views 1204/Total Views 1215
Well, it took a lot to get them to get their butts in gear but the village finally got the beach, casino island, and the pavillion area looking very very good.
No, I'll use the word GREAT !! It now looks great up there.
The beach looks a lot better, the floating beach ropes are in the water, the fire department boat hosed the area down today, the DPW workers were out in their punt doing work today, a guy was weed-eating, etc etc etc
GOOD JOB !! Now we have a park we can be proud of again !!
Next time I hope it doesn't take pressure from this website and it's users to get the job done..