The Ship Motel Phone (315) 482-4503
6 Market St.
P.O. Box 98
Alexandria Bay, N.Y. 13607 Fax (315) 482-2758
June 9, 2008
Dear Village Board,
I would ask that this letter be read at the start of public concerns. I would like to discuss the Village Board meeting dated May 27, 2008. Specifically the discussion regarding the sign belonging to Ron Thomson on Church St. During the time that Ron discussed replacing his ticket booth and sign, numerous conversations were held with the Village Board. At the time Mr Thomson agreed that the Village could use the sign, also included in this agreement was Mr Thomson’s ability to replace the sign at previous heights and dimensions. At no time during these discussions was any public comment made. The owners of the neighboring Bed and Breakfast were informed and Mr Thomson proceeded to remove the ticket booth and sign. At this time I would like to add that the Village wanted to encourage use of the Long Term Parking Lot on the old Empire Boat Line Property. These meters have extended time ( 10 hrs) and are available at ½ the cost of the meters on James St. I personally spoke with one of the owners of the Bed and Breakfast and received a compliment for improving the street. I have also spoken with the person who built the sign for the Village through Bonnie Castle Marine and was assured that they also felt the present sign is smaller than the previous sign. I understand that Mr Thomson and the owners of Captain Visger's have reached an agreement over replacement of the sign. I would certainly support whatever solution these neighbors have arrived at. At this time I hope I have cleared up some confusion and misunderstandings about the history of this issue. I would encourage the Village Board to cooperate with Mr Thomson and the owners of Captain Visger’s to resolve this issue to everyone’s satisfaction.
Thank You
The Former Mayor
Village of Alexandria Bay
Patrick J. Simpson