Protect the St. Lawrence River!
Posted Monday, February 25, 2008 at 1:05:42 PM
Alexandria Bay, NY
1000 Islands
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Stop Destructive Water Levels Management on the St. Lawrence River and Lake Ontario!
"Since the completion of the Moses-Saunders hydropower dam 50 years ago, the ecosystem of the St. Lawrence River has suffered consistent losses to its globally significant biodiversity due to unnatural and damaging water levels regulation. Since the dam was completed, water levels have been artificially constrained causing a loss of biodiversity in coastal wetlands and significant impacts to many fish species and nesting water birds.
Scientists estimate that up to 80% of the critical wetland habitat in the region has been destroyed or significantly damaged because of the current water levels management plan.
We need your voice to let the International Joint Commission (IJC) know that a damaging management plan is unacceptable for the River and Lake. The IJC has a responsibility to implement a sustainable water levels management plan that will protect and restore the St. Lawrence River and Great Lakes for generations to come."
Sign the petition.. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/IJC-support-planB
So how low does the water get ? Well, because I care very much about the issue I went and took some video in early October 2007. If you watch it you can see for yourself. This previously unseen footage is all taken in Alexandria Bay.
The really scary thing about this video is that because of the wind the water level was higher than usual that day. The next day it was even lower.
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