Save The River E-News
Posted Monday, March 17, 2008 at 9:55:41 PM
Alexandria Bay, NY
1000 Islands
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Save The River E-News
Seaway Set to Open on March 22 Save The River concerned about shipping in ice conditions Once again the Seaway is opening very early with the likelihood that the River may have ice cover at the time of opening. Save The River is opposed to shipping in ice conditions due to the serious risk posed to the River environment and our communities. The decision to open the Seaway must be based on actual River conditions. To learn more about Save The River's position on winter shipping visit our website at: http://www.savetheriver.org/winter_shipping.html
Be Aware! Ice breaking to begin on March 19
According to a notice from the Seaway agencies, the Canadian Coast Guard will begin ice breaking in the main stem of the River on March 19. For more information and updates on icebreaking, visit the Seaway's news page at: http://www.greatlakes-seaway.com/en/commercial/opening.html
Water Levels Petition Delivered to IJC More than 1,600 signatures gathered, Draft Plan to be announced March 31 Thank you to everyone who signed our petition to the International Joint Commission. We recently delivered the petition to the IJC in Washington, D.C., sending a strong message to the IJC letting them know that the adoption of any plan that is not beneficial to the River environment is unacceptable!
The IJC is set to announce a draft plan on March 31 along with a schedule for public information meetings and hearings for this spring and summer. Save The River is monitoring the situation closely and will send further information on public hearings to this listserv. We will need your help at this spring and summer at public hearings to ensure that IJC hears loud and clear that adopting any plan that continues to destroy the River is unacceptable!
Upcoming Events
Hold the Dates!
5th Rock for the River July 5, 2008!
We're gearing up for another great summer event season and will kick it off with our 5th Rock for the River concert. Stay tuned for details!
River Day July 26, 2008
Join Save The River and friend to celebrate our 39th anniversary!
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Save The River works each and every day to protect the River that we all love. We rely on generous donations from our members to continue and expand our River protection efforts! An individual membership is only $20, family memberships are $35, and students can join for just $10! To make a donation to Save The River visit https://www.networkforgood.org/donate/MakeDonation2.aspx?ORGID2=161125061&vlrStatCode=EIA67oK2iVNTupNzoP2mw8I5Mq4pMhlG4t1AZOPMPFk8Drg6ZI0j7mpY8f8cLNOm
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